


視網膜色素細胞炎(RP-Retinitis Pigmentosa)這個遺傳絕症有救了

 視網膜色素細胞炎(RP-Retinitis Pigmentosa)這個遺傳絕症有救了
美國食品藥品監督管理局(FDA)于2013年2月首次在美國批准將植入式人工眼作為醫療器械使用(FDA Approves Retinal Prosthesis, a 'Bionic Eye')。這款人工眼可將置於眼鏡上小型攝像頭拍攝的影像信息通過有線傳輸到隨身攜帶的電腦,經訊號處理後回到眼鏡上。再以無線方式傳輸至植入眼球內的電極進行神經傳導到腦部。病人的腦部可以接受到光線的型態進而轉化成物像從而為使用者恢復部分視力(這並非真正的視覺-或稱二度視覺Second sight)或定位物體。
Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System
  此次獲準的人工眼是美國南加大學者也是加州第二視力公司研究員所研發的「阿爾戈斯二號(Argus II)」。產品由安裝在眼鏡上的一個小型攝像頭、便攜式影像處理裝置以及可將影像信息轉換為電流刺激的植入式人工視網膜等組成。據該公司介紹,該產品在歐洲已經獲得認證。
Argus II Retinal Prosthesis System
 The FDA approved the Argus II for use in adults, age 25 years or older, who have bare or no light perception in both eyes, evidence that their inner retinal layer is functioning, and a history of being able to see forms. Recipients must agree to return for follow-up examinations and visual rehabilitation.
After the patient receives the implant, the Argus II works in the following way, according to Second Sight:
A miniature camera, located on a pair of eyeglasses, sends video over an attached cable to a small computer, which the blind person must carry.
The computer converts the video into instructions for the implant, then sends them back to the eyeglasses over the cable.
 The eyeglasses unit transmits these instructions wirelessly to an antenna connected to the implant.
The antenna sends the signals to an electrode array resting on the retina, causing the electrodes to emit small electrical pulses.
The pulses activate retinal ganglion cells, which send signals to the brain.
The brain perceives these signals as patterns of light, which the patient "sees."
The patient learns to correlate certain patterns with the objects they represent.